Each year, during the first week of November, we observe National Radiologic Technology Week (NRTW) to recognize and celebrate our imaging technologists.
UCSF Medical Center’s sonographers have been very hard at work. The department encourages staff to obtain additional certifications to enhance patient care and several have succeeded in becoming Registered Musculoskeletal Sonographers (RMSKS™).
The National Institute of Health’s (NIH) National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) awards diversity supplements to increase diversity in the research.
Current residents and fellows connected with alumni at the Margulis Society Career Evening.
During the Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Novel Imaging Methods Conference Showcasing Hyperpolarized C-13, Midfield, and Information Commons, the Center for Intelligent Imaging (ci2) and the Hyperpolarized MRI Technology Resource Center hosted collaborators from Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. This event is the final event of the annual commemoration of ci2’s third anniversary.
UCSF welcomes new faculty Drs. Weiya Mu and Jonathan Friedman to the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.