Nuclear Medicine

UCSF Research Technologist Discusses Cutting-Edge PET/MRI Technology

UCSF offers PET/MRI technology with state-of-the-art, highly sensitive detectors for less radiation dose to our patients. By combining these two innovative tools, we are able to achieve optimal imaging for detecting early stages of abnormal cell growth

Hybrid Imaging and the Relationship Between Physics and PET/MRI

Hybrid imaging is the fusion of two or more imaging modalities to form a new technique, leading to a new or more powerful modality.  For Dr. Youngho Seo, PhD, Associate Professor in Residence and Director of Nuclear Imaging Physics at the UCSF Department of Radiology, working with hybrid imaging led to work with PET/MRI.

Guiding Cancer Treatment with Molecular Imaging

Chief of Nuclear Medicine Dr. Miguel Pampaloni, M.D., Ph.D., discusses combining positron emission tomography (PET) with computed tomography (CT) in oncology.

Cardiac Imaging and Chest Pain: Questions for Patients

I came across this article and thought it would make a good basis for a blog post about what to ask your doctor if you are experiencing intermittent chest pain. Some questions that came to mind include, “When should I worry about chest pain?” and “How can my doctor use medical tests to come to a final answer about my actual condition?”

FDG-PET: An Advantage Over Traditional Imaging Techniques?

Positron emission tomography imaging (PET) has become the standard for the staging, restaging and the monitoring of treatment response in a variety of tumors. Recent studies have suggested that this technique is of value for the assessment of recurrent disease after the resection of liver or pulmonary lesions by radio-frequency ablation (RFA).
